Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Authentic Self

 "Mindfully practicing authenticity during our most soul-searching struggles is how we invite GRACE, JOY, and GRATITUDE into our lives." -Brene Brown, PH.D.

I have come across this pretty awesome lady named Brene Brown. She is a research professor with a PH.D. and several other decorated educational and publicity achievements. Brene has spent the last decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame; I certainly experience these feelings in my daily yoga practice. Her studies are in-depth, passionate, and poetic, not to mention full of inspiration and knowledge to incorporate into your mantra and meditation.
Her books on these subjects are:
"Daringly Great: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead." (2012)
"The Gift to Imperfections"
"I Thought I was The Only One"

I was originally drawn to Mrs. Brown when a work colleague and I were discussing the Authentic Self and its links to all ways of life and yoga. She showed me Brene's website and her definition of authenticity, which is so incredibly beautiful to read and humbling to bring its awareness into your own life.

You can purchase inspiring posters from her website including these ones! Check her out if you love being inspired and uplifted!
This photo is property of Brene Brown and is not intended for distribution or reproduction.

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