Friday, March 29, 2013

Poses to Challenge

A part of practicing yoga is not to repeat the same poses over and over again without evolvement, but to challenge yourself with poses that you may not feel all that comfortable in. Yoga is definitely not about being comfortable, but strong and willing to push through that barrier that can lead you into an amazing release whether finally mastering that handstand, steadily standing into Bird of Paradise, or simply fully relaxing the belly to thighs in a forward fold.
Whatever pose is your nemesis, that one that you dread when the teacher announces the next pose, you do it, with the same smile and determination that you greet your favourites, because the only way you will move forward in your practice, in your life, its to move through the discomfort with a slow steadiness and knowledge that you will meet your goals and succeed.
Here are some photos of myself, working on the poses and transitions that challenge me in my daily practice.
Here I am trying a butter-curl bind in dancer pose, quite the challenge, note the extreme concentration on my face.
A transition I am working on is crow to headstand. Trying to come from headstand back to crow is the real challenge, requiring tons of core work, as am not quite there yet.  And moving slowly is so important, controlling your movements with intention and grace.

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