the yogini

  Megan Bond
  Certified Hatha RYT, Artist/Artisan/Craftswoman

(I love stretching, drawing, honey, cooking, painting, juicing, coconut oil, dirt, wind chimes, spinach, warm rain, wildflowers, tea tree, growing veggies, romance, early mornings, sewing, sex, dancing, baking, aloe vera, shaking, stars, lavender, goat cheese, adventures, silly friends, sunshine, blending, snowboarding, surfing, sand between my toes, billy holiday, laughter, red wine, chili dark chocolate, and sleeping.)

From the time I was two to this present moment, I have always been drawing or doodling something.  I realized very soon that I had a talent and felt it was my obligation to the universe to pursue it.  After taking IB Art in high school, I enrolled at Red Deer College in Alberta for a bachelor in Fine Arts.  I found my niche within encaustic painting (melted beeswax) and have been exploring this method ever since I was introduced to it at a college workshop. The possibilities are endless with encaustic as I am constantly learning new techniques.

I first started yoga with my mom's VHS tape in my living room when I was around thirteen years old.  After six years of a home practice I attended my first (hot) yoga class where I became introduced to new styles of yoga and started practicing for more than just the physical benefits.
I obtained my 200 hour teacher training with Open Source Yoga in Nelson, BC in 2012. I now teach at Wild Woods Yoga and Wellness (  Aspiring to open my own hot yoga studio one day, yoga has taken a whole new turn; not only becoming meditation or a way to stay fit, but a lifestyle, a confidant, and a business.

This blog is a outlet for creative expression of everything that inspires me from food, yoga, art, crafts, gardening, fashion, books, music, poetry, nature and more! This blog IS me. I hope you enjoy all these spices of life as much as I do!

Never stop dreaming or becoming the person you so long to be, no matter what those fools say.

Shantiprama (Peace and Love!)

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